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"The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value."

Interim & Freelance Solutions



With today's markets being more and more data driven, continuity in your market strategy in terms of data analytics  is essential for success. The Data Creatives guarantees such continuity in your capacity.


When your Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Product Owner of Team Lead takes a maternity leave or sabbatical, or you want to boost your analytical power for a specific project; TheDataCreatives will be your partner in temporarily bridging the gap in your workforce with an experienced professional who integrates rapidly and can  deliver added value right from the start.


We have a strong network of Freelance- and Interim professionals in the fact based world.  Interim Data Analysts, Data Scientists & Interim Data Product Owners and Data Leads. We bring cross sector experience in Analytical CRM, Business Intelligence, Customer Intelligence, Data Science, Marketing Automation and Optimization field. 


For more information please contact Sanne Steegstra

I am A freelancer and want to get in touch!